Willis Lions Club is a proud organization serving the community of Willis, Texas.  We have a nearly 40 year history serving as the city's only civic organization.  

​Founded in 1975, Willis Lions Club has been dedicated to serving our community through educational scholarships, the Lions Club flag program, serving the elderly at local nursing homes and kids with physical disabilities with Texas Lions Camp

As one of 46,000 clubs with a total of 1.35 million members, Willis Lions Club is dedicated to making our community a better place. 

About Us

We welcome prospective new members. If you are service-oriented, are involved, or would like to become involved in the Willis community, we'd love to have you join the Willis Lions Club. Our members come from many different backgrounds, careers, even generations and we value the differences everyone can bring to the organization. 

You can ask for an application at the next meeting. 

How to Join Willis Lions Club

Meeting the first and third Mondays of every month at 7:00 p.m.